She talks and she walks....
Today Amaya was walking between our couch and loveseat - she would go from one to the other and then back again getting more and more excited as she neared what she was headed to. So cute!! She is walking almost all the time now. She's been walking on and off since her first birthday but last night she started walking all over the place without someone helping her.
She was also learning new names last night.
D-D is for Pastor David
Baby is for Davin
Mumer is for Sumer
Seth is for Seth
Ayla is for Gayla
Eggie is for Reggie
Arlee is for Harlee
Bas is for bath
ousi is for Outside
audwey is for Audrey
I'm sure I'm missing some but this is such a fun time...she almost always repeats what you want her to say. She's also started pointing.
When my nephew Aaron was here, we would ask her, "Where is Aaron?" She would get a huge smile on her face and point to him but she never did say his name...
Have a blessed weekend!!
Meet our Grandson!
4 days ago