Last night we had our amazing life group. I am finding that more and more I leave with "nuggets" to think about over and over during the week. I am so thankful for our "family city group". God is doing something!
Not only has it been a blessing, it has been a challenge. It's a challenge in a good way. God challenges me to think and reflect on me. Last night, I believe Jeremy was talking and he mentioned two things that people do - it was two opposite things...both negative things -JUDGING AND BEING JUDGED.- I realized I've been on both ends of that. Judging and being judged for decisions that I have made. This is so negative and does not create any sort of lasting friendship. Our series this month has been on the book, Walk Across the Room by Bill Hybels.
My friend, Samaria just wrote blog post on a book that she really loved. Check it out - that book is next on my list of reading material. Sounds great Samaria - thanks for the blog post.
The book I mentioned above (Walk Across the Room) is one of the greatest books I've read in a while. I often have a hard time reading and finishing a book (I do have to mention that I still have a few pages to finish in the book). I usually start and read the first 2-3 chapters and then I lose interest. This book along with the series at life group has really been a kick in the rear to change some things in me that needed changing.
So going back to last night's life group (have to go take care of the kiddos for the time being - love being a parent - just need to adjust to the interruptions) I'm back now several hours later.
Last nights life group we talked about how "friends" like to judge one another especially in the church instead of going through life's lessons with one another and being there for each other. I've been guilty of this so many times. I have such a high standard for myself that I often forget that I put that on other people too. I often think I can't make any mistakes and when I do, I beat myself up. This is not what God intended...he intended for GRACE to be present every day that I live. Going on the other side...being judged is just as creates a place where you can't trust and where you have a hard time loving.
The easy solution here is just LOVE! Love those around you! Let God's love change your heart! LOVE! LOVE! LOVE!
Ok so this is really hard to do...REALLY REALLY HARD! Especially if you try to go at it alone. Change is hard anyway you look at it but I think this is one of the hardest things to change. You have to change your vision and how you look at the world.
Lord give me eyes to see like you see. Give me a vision for those around me. Change my heart and my mind to be pure and holy before you and before others. I ask you to take any judgment out of my heart and replace it with love. Help me to extend grace to my friends and any new friends I make. I love you Jesus!
Meet our Grandson!
4 days ago