I am reading a book on parenting right now. The chapter that I am reading is on being an authentic parent. This chapter hits home for some reason. When I read this below. I felt like it was so true for me.
After reading the beginning part of the chapter last night. I had to question myself. Do I keep my word with my kids? Do I do what I say I'm going to do? This not only is for my kids but my relationships with other too.
I know since I've had kids it is harder and harder for me to remember what I've promised other people. Sometimes months down the road I remember something I promised to someone and I never gave it to them or did what I said I was going to do. I realize that makes me a not-so-good friend. I am endeavoring to be a more authentic parent and friend. Just like you can lose the trust of your kids, your friends can lose the trust of you if you don't follow through. YIKES! I sincerely apologize if I've promised you something and I never followed through.
This is kind of a hard pill for me to swallow. I am a do-as-I say type of person. If I know I'm not going to do it, I don't say it. I think now when I say something it takes so much more effort to follow through with it. I know I've said I would do something for someone that normally would take 10 minutes of my time (without kids)...with kids it seems nearly impossible. I hate that feeling. I hate letting people down. I hate being one to not follow through.
I especially hate when someone tells me something and doesn't follow through. I have a hard time trusting that person. Why should it be any different for me? Why should people trust me when I'm not following through either?
This is life check time for me. I want to be totally authentic to my friends...to believe the best of everyone. Most of all I want to be totally authentic with my kids. I want to follow through on every aspect, even when it means I will have to do something that I normally wouldn't do.
I will speak and mean it. Lord help me be authentic and to follow through with what I speak!!
Meet our Grandson!
4 days ago