This post was inspired by Lara's post a few weeks ago. She asked what would you do if you had more money.
Here is my list.
1. I would eat mini baby-bell cheese everyday (I can probably do this now but it's bit pricey).=)
2. I would get a pedicure every other week.
3. I would get a manicure every week with the latest nail polish.
4. I would buy the freshest food (or have my own greenhouse so I can grow veggies year round).
5. I would have a relaxing bubble bath every day while someone else watched my kids.
6. I would have a personal trainer at the Y where I would learn how to swim.
7. I would get a haircut every month along with a scalp massage (that sounded so good when you posted it Lara).
8. I would get an hour long massage every week.
9. I would own many necklaces and bracelets to match every outfit.
10. I would have 10+ more pairs of shoes.
11. I would go on major shopping trips every month or every other month.
12. I would buy the most comfortable shoes for Chad.
13. I would have someone else style my hair for a special event every week.
14. I would own an medium sized SUV that is washed and cleaned every week.
15. I would DEFINITELY hire a housekeeper.
16. I would build a bakery/coffee shop.
17. I would build our garage that included a natural light photo studio.
18. One more thing I have to add...I would buy all the "pretties" in the world for my little girl. She does love her "pretties".
Wow, my list is extremely long....but that's what I would do. What would you do?
Meet our Grandson!
4 days ago