Ok so blogging was put on the back burner for a while. I've been pretty busy and have just not made the effort to post anything.
The past few weeks have had some very interesting happenings...Amaya's birthday party with my family, eating dog food, being sick, not sleeping well...to name a few.
So last week Amaya was very quiet and I went to check on her. I find her sitting by Reggie's food with it all over the floor and a lot in her hand. She's happily munching away on "something" (dog food). So I got "it" out and she's still munching...another one came out and she's STILL munching away. I didn't realize the last one was in there until it had started to fall apart and she was swallowing it. =) At least our dog food has only natural things in it. Yesterday she decided she wanted some more and put a whole handful in her mouth. Much to her dismay, I got it all out while she was kicking and crying...maybe I should try it to see if it's as good as she thinks it is.
Amaya's first birthday party...it was a few weeks early b/c we were visiting Shipshewana. It was quite interesting. The cake was super-cute. My sis-in-law Denise helped me decorate it. Amaya was amazed with the doll and reached for that first. She touched the cake but didn't really eat much of it so I tried to see what happened if I tried to "destroy it" like she was supposed to do. Well, I couldn't either. It was HARD! I wanted to be all natural and only use the healthiest ingredients and no sugar...blah blah....it had only wheat flour, wheat germ, carrots, raisins, etc...well anyway, it was just a block of HEALTH (hard block of HEALTH). Not very good to eat or destroy. I helped her get to the inside and she finally started "destroying". She did get it all over herself and the floor in the end but I don't think she liked it very much. (
I think for her next party we will use a cake mix that is "unhealthy" but lots of fun to squish and DESTROY!!) Oh and making the cake and cooling it were quite interesting too. I made it in my pampered Chef batter bowl and when I turned it over on the cooling rack, it started oozing out the middle - it was pretty funny. I was able to save about 1/2 of it but not exactly the experience I was hoping for. I baked it for the time specified and I even poked in a toothpick to make sure it was "done." (Guess that didn't work too well.)
Amaya has been a very healthy baby with just runny noses here and there and a few more major colds but it she is fine for a week and then gets a runny nose and slight cold for 2-3 weeks. Our Children's ministry has a standard of no runny noses for the children so it's been a little hard to keep her in there. She loves to play with the other kids and does not like to sit through a service anymore. She is just too busy. That's not fun for me since Chad has a "job" almost every Sunday - counting money or taking care of his parking team or whatever else you can think of. =)
That's it for now....here's a random pic since I haven't uploaded the other pics to go with this post. =/

Amaya is exploring in Reggie's "beddie."