I just had to blog about what has happened the past two days plus share some pics of the birthday party in Shipshewana.
Yesterday I was washing dishes and I heard Amaya babbling away and I found her laying beside Reggie just a talking away - so cute. She's always loved to play with him and he's always been protective of her since day one but it was just too cute. I tried to capture the moment on camera but this was the best I could do.

Here is another Reggie and Amaya picture - best friends (for right now). =) She's pretty smart too, she'll take one of his toys and play tug of war with him and then if he gets it she gets another one of his toys and tempts him with it so he'll let go of the first one. It's pretty cute.
This morning she decided it was more fun to play with Mama's hair that was pulled back instead of just playing with the hair that was already down. It resulted in this:
hmmm....what's life like without a little bit of humor.

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