I can't believe she is saying small sentences already. I know she knows a lot but I didn't realize how much she knows for her age. I'm thankful to be home with her to teach her. I know Daddy teaches her a lot too and during this time that he is looking for a job, he watches her too. It's fun to see how much she is learning just from our talking.
Last night we she got another "boo boo." She was trying to get off the treadmill and to go see Daddy when she fell off and hit the edge of the coffee table (which is covered in a nice thick blanket). The blanket helped but it didn't keep her from splitting her lip a little bit. She cried for a while but it wasn't too bad. A little bloody but nothing major...looked better already this morning. She has a little bit of a swollen lip. (We have to document these happenings b/c otherwise we'd forget about them.) =)
Here she is sporting her Colts outfit and my pink Colts hat. =) I don't think you can even see that her lip is bruised. (Maybe a little bit - it's on the right side if you are looking straight at her.)

Amaya loves her "Chismas Chee." She likes to go over to it and run her hands up and down along the branches.

Here is a recent pic of me. I'm 29 weeks on this day. This was taken a couple weeks ago. (I'm 31 1/2 weeks now) He's coming soon......

The other night Amaya was all quiet and I went to look for her and here is what I found:

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