My last prego picture before baby.

Amaya kissing "Baby Sky" a week before he came. I was almost 37 1/2 weeks.

Amaya kissing "Baby Sky" a week before he came. I was almost 37 1/2 weeks.
I wrote this post a while ago and just now got around to finishing it (Feb 22). Since this post the infection that I wrote about below never fully healed and came back again the same day Makiyah was born. Amaya had the second surgery 4 days after the birth of Mak. Hopefully this has taken care of all these infections!!
Chad is still looking for a job but for now he's doing what I did before the baby was born.
Let me just begin to say, Praise God for His faithfulness. I believe in thankfulness and I'll start with that. This week, I was reading some scripture that really blessed me. I've for the longest time had a scripture in my head that was not very uplifting. With everything that's been going on, I haven't been thinking a lot of positive thoughts: The scripture was "hope deferred makes the heart sick." I've at times felt sick b/c I'm trying to figure out what is going on. It's felt at time as if God has left us high and dry...I know in my heart that this is not true. I know He is always near and always taking care of us...there are times, when He is a little more hidden. This is definitely one of those times.
Here is the scripture I was reading this past week (way more uplifting and encouraging to me):
It's been a trying past few months to say the least. When Chad was given the opportunity to find a "full-time" job outside the church, we were excited. For me that excitement has waned quite a bit as the job searching has turned up empty handed. We seen about 20 letters of "I'm sorry, we've hired someone else for this position. We wish you the best as you continue your job search." It's nice that they sent a letter but it is quite disheartening to get all these letters. Chad then applied for a position that he actually would have gotten but since all this stuff has been happening with the economy they have phased out the position at this time.
Anyway, then in Nov. Amaya had that infection and surgery at Riley. It healed up nicely and we thought all was well until just a few days before Christmas the infection came back again. It healed up again and we even had an appointment at Riley just this past Thursday. Everything was fine at that time, Dr. Engum gave us some plans if it should come back again. We didn't think much of it, thinking it might come back after a while not so soon (aka last night). Chad was giving Amaya a bath and she protested as he washed her neck and there it was again, "signs of infection." Thankfully Dr Engum was "on call" last night and we were able to talk directly with him. He put her on another antibiotic.
Right now the infection has come to a head and is ready to drain again, a not so fun process for Amaya. She pretty much cries as we put a salt-water warm compress on it so that it opens up.
It's been so frustrating to watch her go through all the painful processes. It's also frustrating that our baby boy is due in just 2 weeks and now sometime in those weeks she is supposed to have another surgery. I'm not sure at this time all the details of this surgery so I will post later.
Your prayers would be greatly appreciated as we prepare for this new baby and another surgery for Amaya (hopefully the last one). I've been trying to find a way that Amaya will be able to stay at our house during the time the baby comes and we are in the hospital. It's been a little stressful thinking about it and now on top of it, she'll just have had surgery unless this little on is born before Amaya has it.
We don't know the actual date of the surgery since the doctor wants the antibiotics to be fully in her system before, he schedules it. He wants the area to heal so that it is not full of infection when he does the surgery.
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