...that's what I think God is when we realize (with joy) that only God could have caused a situation to turn out a certain way. He looks down on us like a PROUD PAPA because He sees our joy and happiness.
The inspiration for this blog post comes from a friend who sent an email to me today. It came through facebook and totally made my day. The subject of the email was 'From Death to Life.' In the email was a story of how the doctor wanted them to schedule a DNC (scraping the uterus) because he was sure their baby had died. Instead the parents requested an ultrasound...and what did they see? A beating heart. Oh and the story does not end there...that baby with the beating heart in the ultrasound is now a healthy 5 day old. All of the above took place last summer.
As I was reading that email, I just thought of how God must have been looking down at that moment and just smiled like a proud papa does when something happens that his kids really like.
Even as I write that it doesn't seem to do justice to the way He feels about us.
I love that she sent me that email because even as I'm sitting here typing this, I feel His overwhelming love for me!!
God loves me...He loves me....He loves me....HE LOVES ME!!
Thank you Jesus for dying on the cross so that I can "feel" that love anytime I want. Thank you Jesus for being totally selfless and willing!
I pray that you have moments like this today, that you have moments when you can feel His overwhelming love for you! I pray that you feel that love right now!
Meet our Grandson!
4 days ago
1 comment:
ELAINE! I lost your email with your email address to tell you how to do the tiny pics in Picasa! I am sorry.. suffering from prego brain. =/ Shoot me an email at darcyholsopple@gmail.com and I'll tell ya step by step. =)
And congrats on your new baby boy!
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