Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Mak @ 6 Months

You're six months old already. Actually 6 1/2 months. So crazy. It really seems like yesterday you were born. I don't want to go back and repeat those early months but I can't believe how fast time flies.

At six months you can:
Flip over front to back and back to front.
You can move yourself around by flipping. You don't want to stay in one place very long.
You laugh and laugh! You have a great belly laugh and I can make you laugh almost any time I want to.
You have already managed to wiggle out of the bumbo (thankfully w/o hurting yourself, even though it was on the hard kitchen floor.)
You finally sleep through the night.
You take pretty good naps throughout the day too.

Finally finishing this at 7 months
You move backwards - not quite a crawl but almost.
You definitely love your mommy - ME =) a lot!  When you see me you almost always want to be picked up.
You love when Amaya plays with you - you don't even mind when she lays on top of you. You just laugh as we are trying to discipline Amaya and let her know that she can't do that.  Silly boy.

You make mommy smile.

Hello, I'm a parent, and I survived.

I just finished this email to my life group...thought it was good posting material.

A few weeks ago I wrote about persevering.  I've had to persevere just to get this email written.  I looked at the time it autosaved: 11:46...right now it's 3:01.  WOW!!  That's how my day has been.  Mak just cried (intermittently) for about 2 hours while I in the mean time tried to figure out what was wrong. He was asleep each time I put him to bed (4x to be exact) and then each time woke up screaming....ahhhhh.
This is definitely not a joy of parenting...I won't even joke about it.  I know you've all been there (well except for the Warsaws). =)

So now, after tylenol and teething gel he is finally asleep.  Is he getting teeth, you ask?  I have no idea but if that's why he was crying at least we're covered.

Today I have no great message about something the Lord gave me...I just simply survived...I am a parent. 

Anyone else have those, "Hello, I'm a parent and I survived" days?

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Life is fragile....

So many hardships we face in life are so small compared to the big picture. What is the big picture?
The big picture is this...if we know Christ we have and know what happens after death.

My sister just lost her mother-in-law last night. Her husband lost his mom and their kids lost their grandma. She was just 61 years old. She was supposed to be around for many, many more years.

When I think of them my heart breaks today. I am sad for their family. I am sad that she went home so soon. At the same time that I am sad, I know that she has found her eternal home in heaven. She is singing with the angels. What a glorious time she must be having. Although we have tears here on earth, she is smiling - no longer in pain, no longer hurting.

Do you have that assurance today...the assurance that when you die, you will go to heaven? Do you know Him, the one who loves you with a love like no other.

Father, I lift up the Hershberger family to you. In this sad time give them a comfort in knowing you. I ask you to wrap your loving arms around them and speak to them words of life and love. I ask you to give them a peace in their minds and help them remember the things they loved about Mary and the good times they had with her here on earth. I ask you give comforting thoughts to the grandchildren - Cole, Aliyah, Brodie and Sydney, and children, Brad, Doug and Jill. Give them a greater understanding of your ways and your love. I pray also for Paul her dear husband for years. I pray comfort and peace for him. Thank you Lord! In Jesus Name I pray, Amen.

There is coming a day,
When no heartache shall come,
No more clouds in the sky,
No more tears to dim the eye,
All is peace forevermore,
On that happy golden shore
What a day glorious day that will be!