Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Hello, I'm a parent, and I survived.

I just finished this email to my life group...thought it was good posting material.

A few weeks ago I wrote about persevering.  I've had to persevere just to get this email written.  I looked at the time it autosaved: 11:46...right now it's 3:01.  WOW!!  That's how my day has been.  Mak just cried (intermittently) for about 2 hours while I in the mean time tried to figure out what was wrong. He was asleep each time I put him to bed (4x to be exact) and then each time woke up screaming....ahhhhh.
This is definitely not a joy of parenting...I won't even joke about it.  I know you've all been there (well except for the Warsaws). =)

So now, after tylenol and teething gel he is finally asleep.  Is he getting teeth, you ask?  I have no idea but if that's why he was crying at least we're covered.

Today I have no great message about something the Lord gave me...I just simply survived...I am a parent. 

Anyone else have those, "Hello, I'm a parent and I survived" days?

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