Today I'm posting my first blog. I've been reading other blogs and I thought this would be a fun way to keep in touch with family members and friends while scripting "Life As it Happens" for me.
Today was our first Sunday as City Church. We met at a local high school which was a lot of fun! God is growing our church everyday. I am so excited to see the growth that comes out of this change in location. God has so many things in store for us as we continue to trust in Him.
More and more as I wake up each day, I am realizing how much God is in control. He doesn't miss any steps that we take and He takes care of each of us. Situations always arise where, you wonder what could possibly be done to make them right - that's when God says, "really trust in Me." It doesn't matter if I agree with Him, He truly does know what is best. He can move even in the midst of trying times. He is GOD!! I praise Him for He is wonderful.
I have been so blessed to have a husband that loves me (Chad) and takes care of me.
We have been blessed by our beautiful daughter Amaya. She is 2 days away from her 10 month birthday. Most of my blogs will probably be about her b/c she is such a joy in both of our lives.
Some of the things that have been said about her:
"She's the happiest baby I've ever seen"
"She's always smiling"
"Does she ever cry?"
We prayed for God to give us a "happy" child and WOW did He answer those prayers. She has one of the sweetest personalities I've ever seen. She is a "busy" little girl too. She loves to be on the move unless of course she is filling that diaper. At that point she can sit in one place for 15 min.
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