We are so thankful that it's healing up correctly and it's getting smaller. I timed the process of changing her wound and it took 7 minutes from start to finish (taking the tape off and putting the new tape on). I'm definitely getting better at it. =)
We are down to 4 more bandage changes until our Doctor appointment on Thursday!!!!! Yay!
We had Aunt Erin (Chad's Sister) take a video today of the wound changing process but I decided it was not appropriate to post on here (it doesn't look too good). There is a lot of crying but we do have a picture of the hole. One from yesterday and one from just a few hours ago. It's still a big hole but it's definitely not like it was before.
Amaya also knows now what it means to change her "boo boo". She sees Mommy with her green gloves on and knows it's about time. This morning she was clinging to Daddy b/c she didn't want to be bundled up. It's like swaddling a newborn. Daddy does a good job of wrapping her tightly. We don't want her hands to get free and touch the wound.
Sometimes her hair gets caught in the tape and she gives me a "look" when I try to take it out. She screams if it's during the wound changing process.
How we know she's back to her normal self:
Just a few minutes ago she was what we call "torturing" Reggie our little dog. She had him locked in his bed (i.e. cage) and was pushing him across our floor. Then she decided she wanted to climb in his cage with him. We were too late to get a video but it was quite humorous. She doesn't ever hurt him but he gets very nervous when she's in there with him. She loves playing with him. He doesn't always see it as playing but he's never bitten her. He acts like he will and then ends up licking her. They are quite the playmates. Here's a picture of her in the act - with Reggie safely in the background somewhere. (He gets out as soon as he can get an opening.)
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