I was really having a hard time deciding what to write on this blog. For some reason every time I sat down to write I had this huge block. So then I remembered ummmm...the reason I was doing this was b/c God gave me something I wrote in my journal..so me being super smart, I went back and read it and you know what...it was all there. Everything that I wanted to write, I had already written. LOL...sometimes I just need to stop and take a breath and realize God's in control.
The beautiful bride and her dad walking down to meet her man: Jessica & Bobby's Wedding
"It takes two to make a thing go right...it takes two to make it outta sight"
Going back to what I was talking about for our vows. I believe that just as God spoke, "let there be light and light was," when we speak our vows it simply is. The hard part to that is this thing called LIFE. After we speak our vows, how we choose to deal with life is how our building looks.
For example if I as a wife choose to neglect submission (i.e. respect, acknowledge his leadership, listen to him, praise him), I am building something with holes and something that will begin to crumble with time. If Chad fails to love me (no matter if the dishes are undone, dinner uncooked, laundry piled high), he is building something with holes that will crack over time. What the Bible says he must do: "Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her." (Ephesians 5:25)
The key is to create a sure foundation and to follow biblical example. We not only look at the specific scriptures on marriage but on the ones preceding those marriage scriptures...AND we look at the scriptures describing Christ's instructions for the church b/c that is how He likens a marriage.
If you look at how the book of Ephesians is set up, Paul starts off describing our redemption, he then goes on with a prayer for our spiritual wisdom, next he reminds us of God's grace through faith...(are you starting to see what I'm talking about?) Next Paul tells us we were brought near to him by his blood...then he says Christ is our peace....OUR CORNERSTONE....THE MYSTERY REVEALED.
Paul then shows us the purpose of the mystery and how to have an appreciation for the mystery of Christ.
Before I begin my next part, I feel I must explain the above with a diagram...the way the I put the "blocks" is just how I see the Bible describing them...(I'm not a Bible scholar...just a lover of Jesus). =) I also did not finish the building because that is different for each marriage.
When we first are saved we start to see these things for ourselves: Christ's redemption for us, grace through faith, wisdom, and how we are brought near by Christ's blood. All of that doesn't change when we get married...BUT as a married couple....you have to build something together and it starts with your experiences as a married couple. You may have a "sure foundation" for yourself but what are you building together?
So in the last blog I finished with a story of Chad and I having an argument. We do really still love each other. =) It made me go back a while though and I realized that I needed to forgive him of hurting my feelings over 3 years ago...geesh.