Thursday, July 1, 2010

A Big Girl and A Big Boy

This post is about Amaya and Makiyah....

So I know the last post was all about Mak and it's made me realize how quickly he is growing again.
A few things that I didn't post that he does:
  • say amin (for Amen) after we pray
  •  he looked at me yesterday morning as I was feeding him breakfast (grits..yum!) and puts out his hands and says "all none" (for all done) that's so cute to me...we've been doing that for a looong time and all we've been rewarded with is "aghhhhhh"....whines and grunts when he wants something.
  • He is started to recognize and say people's names.  

I'm sure again I'm missing a few things but I just can't believe how quickly time love love him.

Now on to Amaya:
She truly is my big girl.  In the past two weeks she has peed in her diaper 2 times and has been in underwear for nap time the past week.  I still put her in a pull-up at night but she always keeps it dry.  The not-so-good part of this all is that she now wakes up in the middle of the night to potty but actually it feels pretty good that she is able to do that.  She also has been climbing onto the toilet and doing her business then wiping and washing her hands all by herself.  The first time she did that was Saturday morning...even going #2 she has done a good job wiping...all I can say is wow!  If you don't have kids day you'll have this proud feeling of your kiddo wiping her own butt. =)
She is such a sweetie and although she has her 3 yr old moments, my heart is so full of love for her too. 
One thing she absolutely does not like: to be woken from a nap...she is in a terrible mood for a while then all of a sudden someone does something to make her laugh and it's over....totally a 3 yr old with no control over her emotions.  I find myself being more and more patient with her...but at times I am super impatient and then it's not good. 

On another note: Pastor Renee asked us to write our decrees for our life...I have to admit, I have not thought of what mine are for a while. I do believe I know what mine will be but I don't confess them every day.  One thing I have been praying more recently is that God would make me more humble.  I find that the more humble I am, the more I am able to do what God asks me to do.

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