Wow, this week has been different. I am missing Chad very much. I realize I don't like to be away from him for that long. I know it's not much longer and he will be back. I don't know how spouses do it who are married to soldiers in Iraq. I guess you can do anything if that's what you have to do.
I am also realizing that I am blogging a lot more since I have more time.
We have had 4 huge thunderstorms since he's been gone. Our driveway has an area that is washed out about a foot deep. I can't believe how much rain we had today. It looks like my garden has survived. Hopefully all the seeds did too. In downtown Bloomington today there was so much rain that water was up to the windows of cars. I didn't actually go out and see it. I was listening to the local talk show and people were calling in with the reports of what roads were closed due to the water. I was able to get past Lake Griffy. It was about halfway across the road and in parts was running to the other side of the Lake when I drove past it tonight. It was quite a drive to church for life group. I wouldn't have had to go but I wanted to stop by CVS to pick up some more Motrin for Amaya. There was also some manholes that had busted out and were spraying water. We had quite a scene in Bloomington today. I think it's gone for tomorrow and hopefully, I can mow the grass. I've never mowed it completely by myself so we'll see how it goes. I've always just finished what Chad has started.
Even though we have the world's biggest carpenter bees all over the shed, I still go in there to get the mower. (YIKES) I was so afraid of them the first time I saw them but Chad says they don't sting...hopefully he's right. =) He says all they do is burrow into the wood - sounds great for the shed huh. The funniest thing is watching Goober (our outside dog) catch them and eat them. bzzzzzzz.....bzzzzzzzz.....bzzzzzzzzzz.....CHOMP!!
I'm trying to decide if I should take Amaya to the doctor tomorrow. It seems like she has an earache in her left ear. =( She sleeps fine but when she wakes up she cries and cries. It's in those cries that she says Dad-dee....Dad-dee...(she misses him). I'm so thankful for my Praise Baby video (gift from Aliyah for Christmas). When she watches that she is fine. She sits through it and stops crying and even smiles and talks to it. I've used it a lot this week.
Well, over and out for now...
Trellis Twinkle Lights
1 week ago
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