Sunday, October 25, 2009

Sex and the City

When you think of a title like that, what do you think? 

Do you think movie that you would never watch? 

Do you think, yeah what an awesome movie?

Do you think...that's a church doing a series on SEX?

Well, I think the last one.  This past month has been all about SEX. That's right S.E.X.  You didn't read it wrong.  You read it exactly right.  We've been talking about God's design for sex at our church, City Church.  When I think about the TV Series Sex and the City, I get disgusted (honestly).  I could never watch it because it was just a bit much for me.  Even thinking about the movie, there was never even a second that I would have thought about watching it.  Maybe that's not so for some of you.  Growing up the way I did, I never talked about sex much even with my friends.  I thought about it some and wondered what it would be like on my wedding day but it was not a subject of discussion. 
Of course as that day got closer I thought about it more, but even then it was very guarded.  It was guarded so much so that it was almost too much.  (Now I'm not saying that if you're single, you need to be thinking about sex.) What I am talking about is: God's Design for sex within a marriage.  (Check back for that post in a few days).

Sumer (a good friend and co-leader of our family life group) told me about this wonderful book: Intimate Issues by Linday Dillow and Lorraine Pintus.  I've read some good books but this one is by far the most informative, straight-forward, and point-blank book on sex that I have read.  Before I got married, I read Intended for Pleasure (totally recommend if you're about to get married) but for after you have kids and after all the honeymoon stuff dies down (and yes it does), you need something, someone to give you advice.  You need someone who's been there.
Come'on be honest...who of you is going to go to your pastor (if you're a christian) and ask them about some of your most secret sex questions?   Anyone.....anyone? (Think Ben Stein here).  Ok, so there are not many people who would want to do that.  But you still have questions.  Right?

The book Intimate Issues talks about the top 21 Questions Christian woman have.  It does a fine breakdown of the Song of Solomon. Even if you have read it while thinking about your spouse, you've never read it the way they describe it....I'm pretty sure about that one. =)  I think Sumer will agree with me on this one. =)

Stay tuned for more on this......


hoosierbabe said...

The study sounds like fun! I feel like I've armed myself with some good information about sex and God's design. We're having a hard time in that department since Micah was born. I'm a wimp and it's always been painful for we have to work our way back to the good times...and it's a very slow process this time around since we don't have much time together.

mrs. warsaw said...

This was such a good series. And I'd have to agree that from the description we shared at LG, I've NEVER heard an interpretation of Song of Solomon such as the one in Intimate Issues. Good stuff :)

I'm excited to read your future posts!